Sunday, October 16, 2011

Fuck Occupy Wall Street

I hate the Occupy Wall Street movement more than anything I have ever hated in my entire life, and I have hated almost everyone and everything I have ever encountered. I hate the people that support it, I hate the fact that it preempts episodes of Top Chef, and I especially hate how it has become the polestar of my generation's zeitgeist. When the history books collect my generation's contributions to mankind, this is the bullshit they will write of. This, and our love of PBR and Fleet Foxes.

When I first heard of the OWS protests through a friend of mine, I thought, "great!", because I love it when a group of people come together to crush fiduciary efficiency and fiscal solvency. Then I heard about on TV. Then I read about in the papers. Then I read about it on FaceBook. By the time a second friend of mine tried to tell me about it almost two weeks later, I began wondering why the hell this thing was still going on. I guess those hippies must be pretty well organized in order to maintain a basecamp for so long in on of New York City's most crowded areas.


Take a look at this and scroll down to the comments. At a cursory glance, it appears the hippies are fighting socioeconomic equality through complaining, a common tactic employed by those whose contributions to the world can be summed up in toilet flushes and trips to organic co-ops. Okay, I've seen shit like this before. Why's this time any different?

Because none of the protesters know what they're protesting about.

For fuck's sake, these idiots have a website dedicated solely to letting people know what they want, yet no one at the protest itself knows? Is there no Wi-Fi at these things anymore? Also, as much as these idiots try to make it look like they're suffering for their cause, the more videos I see, the more I think it looks like one big party.

That aside, even if they could get their facts straight and unite under one demand (it's been almost a month, nothing so far), it would still be a stupid one. The major claim made by these twats is that 1% of America controls the other 99%, and that this line is divided by wealth and taxation. The top one percent of American breadwinners pay "no taxes". What they don't understand is the next few steps down are far from the working class. The cutoff line is about $600,000 earned annually. That's what a D-list MLB player earns. How the fuck is that middle class?

Speaking of major league athletes, Derek Jeter makes $18.9 million dollars a year, not counting endorsements. Ochocinco makes about $5 million. And yet, it's all "the corporations" who are sucking up the money in this country, right? Major league athletes definitely aren't greedy crybabies at all. Hell, athletes aren't the biggest money sponges in the country either. Metallica's James Hetfield is worth $175 million. Dave Grohl is worth $200 million. Rage Against the Machine's first album has gone triple platinum since its release in 1993, yet Tom Morello feels like no one can complain about being poor without him.

If you really want to change how money is handled in this country, get off your skinny jean wearing ass and get a job. But if you feel you must blame others for how little your liberal arts degree is worth, do something other than complain. You can do what these upstanding gentlemen are doing, by withdrawing all of their money from all FDIC banks in America. Of course, they don't realize this could potentially restart that never ending circle of bailouts that everyone was talking about a few years ago, but hey, at least they're trying.


Anonymous said...

You don't get it at all. Idiot.

Anonymous said...

Even the protestors don't get it at all, fucktard.

Anonymous said...

How dare you fucking fascist prick! Go suck off every rich faggot fuck on wall street then you wannabe richkid pussy! FUCK YOU!!!

Anonymous said...

The people that disagree with this story he wrote are ignorant

Anonymous said...

haha @ the november 3rd comment. That is what OWS consists of. Oh, here!

Anonymous said...

The protesting hippies do not represent America and they do not represent "our generation." Thank you for speaking for the real 99% -- you know, REAL Americans who work and pay bills and pay taxes. Those taxes are used to pay for police officers to arrest the less than 1% of the population that consists of worthless hippie protesters who show up to these things and then have the audacity to say that their criminal actions are representative society at large.

We need to organize a counter-protest to show up and give these lazy hippies the beatdowns they deserve. The police have to comply with too many BS requirements and they are not able to use enough force to get this refuse off the streets. There is no reason this 1% hippie element should be able to impose costs on the remaining 99% of society. When the socialist hippies converge real Americans can show up with clubs and bats and show them what we think of their "representation" of us.

Anonymous said...

Fuck assholes like you, do you even know what a fascist is? Maybe if this were still the America it was 40 years ago, that might actually be scary. But fascism is about the only thing know that will save a country. Look at history. Hitler brought Germany out of the largest depression ever, with military and fascist rule. Perhaps I'd we still had a soul, we'd have a modicum of control. But no. We screwed it up. Got ahead take our freedoms, and then maybe, just maybe, people will finally stop complaining and do something