Sunday, May 27, 2012

Why Memorial Day Fills Me With Rage

I'm currently taking a shit as I write this (multi-tasking for the win!), so I'll try to be as brief as possible, so as to get back to my shitting. I suppose you'd also benefit from me expediting the process, as you'd be able to get back to whatever the hell you were doing as well, but seeing as you are not me, and therefore all of your endeavors are worthless enterprises to begin with, the value of any time saved may well be nil.

Anyhoo, I hate Memorial Day from the darkest depths of my blackened, charred soul. Not because I don't appreciate military service people (although perhaps two holidays and a week in their honor is a bit much), just that the holiday brings out the absolute worst in civilians.

I have a few FaceBook friends in service, and yes, whenever Memorial Day, Veteran's Day, or Military Serviceperson Week rolls around, they clamor for attention. You know what? You served, you get a free pass. I literally won't make any more of a commotion about it.

You earned it, homie.

But then I see people who didn't serve, and who don't give a shit about the military 364 days out of the year, become preachy little fucks about "appreciating your freedom", and respecting the sacrifices of people in service. Wow, you care for one whole day. That's the next best thing to actually serving in the military, isn't it?

The best part is that these people usually don't even talk in real life about how much they care about celebrating Memorial Day "the right way". They'll post some moronic "prayer of remembrance" bullshit on whatever social network they belong to, shit on anyone who doesn't, then call it a day. This, I believe, is a mutation of the Occupier mentality, or "slacktivism". You write about it online, and suddenly that's almost as good as actually getting off the sofa and doing something with your life.

You know what would show the world how much you care about our men and women in service, and how much you'd do to ensure their safety? Sign up and fight with them. Or donate to Operation Homefront, or the NMFA. If that's too much for you, or if just one day of appreciating the gigantic amount of balls it takes to actually kill for your country is what you consider appropriate, then you are no better than the rest of the civilian population. In other words, shut the fuck up and enjoy your barbecue.

"I said I support the troops on FaceBook, so it's all good,"

Abolish Memorial Day. Nothing about it makes anyone happy. It brings out the true dickhead colors of everyday people, and I can't imagine people who have actually served enjoy it that much either. Seriously, what do we give them on Memorial Day? A day off (like most everyone else, so it's not really for them) and a parade. Really? A fucking parade. People hate parades. They're gay. It's just standing around and watching people walk in a line. With a parade, everyone loses. Parades are for Veteran's Day, because Veteran's Day is already depressing as hell after Vietnam.

How about we flat out abolish Serviceperson Week, because really, only high school ROTC programs ever do shit during Serviceperson Week, and turn Memorial Day into Free Pass on Assholism Day for our boys at home? On FPAD, men and women who have served will receive special benefits that civilians will not be privy to. These will include, but not be limited to, public flashing of genitals without police recourse, the right to shop lift, the right to flip off children, and the right to fart in the food of anyone seen eating outside. I know this sounds childish, perhaps even insulting, but I assure you, I am in no way being facetious. Ever consider the brassiness of the nads/ovaries of our men and women in uniform? And we give them a parade? I feel this tribute is much more fitting, don't you?

Finally, as I say on most every nationalist holiday, a gigantic fuck you to anyone who mentions 9/11 on Memorial Day. Read a fucking book, Sherlock. Nothing our military is currently involved in has to do with 9/11, especially since we brought ninety-percent of our active deployed home last December. Yeah, terrorists-freedom-'Merica to you too, Giuliani.

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