This isn't really the guy I'm talking about, but I fucking hate Black Veil Brides.
As you may have guessed, Sami here has a problem with me hating art students. I explained my disdain for art students several months ago and god damn will they not shut up about it. First Shawn McNulty tries to sue me, then this little dickweed wants to bitch me out for hating his shameful lifestyle choice. Am I correct in assuming you have no last name because you were disowned by your parents, or were you trying to emulate Cher or Tiffany?
You can read his list of grievances with me and another proud anti-art warrior here if you want. Or you can threaten his mother sexually via e-mail, which is what I want.
If you didn't bother to read it, and really, you shouldn't have, our little friend ends his article by saying (s)he doesn't understand why everyone hates art students, or where these scornful opinions originate. Since I live only to educate and enlighten, allow me to extrapolate. Sami, people hate your kind because you stand in bold defiance of societal norms; whereas a Philosophy or Psychology major would read an article and analyze its content academically, an Art major will read a blog post with a differing opinion of his own and walk away with no further insight. You don't just respond poorly to criticism, you refuse to accept it. Your feyvolken present the world their canvases for open scrutiny, then complain when no one likes them. If you can't handle people saying they don't like you or what you stand for or what you create, then not only should you abandon art, you should abandon the Internet altogether.
In closing, since the last time an artist bitched me out I wound up giving him a full review, I shall afford you the same luxury Sami. I perused your other articles while researching my rebuttal and jotted down a few notes for you.
1) STOP WEEPING FOR HUMANITY. Naming your blog's archive is asinine, especially when the name you chose is headache-inducingly effete. Weep for humanity, your page moans. But I will give you points for adhering to the age old adage of writing what you know. Since you're an artist, you probably know a lot about weeping.
2) HUMBLE AND SMUG? From what I've gleaned in these articles, you should drop the 'humble' from your title. Unless you're using that word ironically, and again, since you're an artist, I wouldn't put it past you.
3) THE DUCK FACE. Wow, an article on how annoying duck face girls are? Timely stuff! Someone tag Sami on Twitter and tell (s)him it's not 2008 anymore.
4) STOP! USING! EXCLAMATION POINTS! You absolutely litter your articles with these, which is actually kinda funny considering how vocal you are about your pointless environmental concerns. I'd understand if you were doing this to evoke a humorous or incredulous tone, but it really just makes you look like you're screaming at my eyes. When babies scream, I put them in the garbage. When women scream, I put them outside. Come on up to NH and find out what I'll do to you if you scream at me.
I don't want to read anymore bitching from you, Sami. I mean, feel free to bring me up again in your blog if you so desire, as your brow-furrowingly maladroit keystrokes serve only to increase my pageviews, but one retaliatory article is all your whining warrants and only one will you get. Suck it.
Since you harp on others for their inability to take criticism well, I'm assuming you're the opposite and will be delighted to learn from this comment.
Your arguments are predominantly terrible because they over-generalize, are incredibly sexist and unnecessarily rude. Beyond that, they are poorly written, based solely on personal anecdotes, and lack logic. Your whole "argument" falls apart because it is based on a false assumption that what one chooses to study defines who they are and their personality.
But let's humour you for a minute and pretend that you're right... the irony is that, based on the quality of your writing pieces, you would not even be able to get into the type of arts schools that you hate so much.
FYI: there's a difference between visual arts and the arts in general. I believe you were referring to "visual arts" students in your original article (not that it really matters since I think this was the least of your writing's flaws). Furthermore, you may also want to look into the difference between extrapolating and explaining.
PS. this is anonymous strictly because I'm embarrassed to be associated with your blog.
PPS. I do not have these viewpoints because I'm an undercover arts student.
Extrapolate, v. To reach or expound upon a conclusion through reason and logic.
As in, exactly what I was doing previously. If the language I use on my blog is too complicated for you, maybe you can ask someone you know with an actual education to explain it you.
You're pressing my cider here, Sami. I said I'd leave our quarrel at point-counterpoint, but then you start questioning my abilities as a linguist, and I just can't have that. But honestly, keep talking pal. All you're really doing is exemplifying how petty and weak-willed your ilk are. One little article about why everyone hates you and suddenly you can't think about anything else. Why don't you put that degree to good use and wipe your tears away with it?
I want you to create a visual representation your next response, if you're creative enough for it. Seriously, I e-mailed you, so email me back. I generally don't like responding to comments here anymore because I simply can't be bothered, so send me back a jpeg of a painting/drawing/garbage sculpture that can visually translate the toll my incredibly sexist and unnecessarily rude comments took on your frangible psyche. If your painting/drawing/interpretive dance GIF can sway my mentality, I will formally apologize on both your blog and my own, and rescind my previous statements. If you fail, your attempt shall be showcased on my blog for the derision and mockery of myself and my fanbase. If you cannot rise to this task, then you have abandoned your convictions, and you must stop wasting my time and yours.
Just kidding; your time would need inherent value for it to be wasted. Wasting your time would be like burning garbage, or throwing rocks at an abandoned house. Waste on, friendo.
PS: Post-scripting on a message board makes you look retarded.
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