Friday, October 24, 2008

Fantasy Nerds Suck

You see them everywhere ; short , round , pizza-faced little gnomes who clutter together in the back of the school library and wax idiotic for hours and hours about who would win in a match between Gandalf and Dumbeldore . Then they dissipate , back into the holes they crawled out of , where they start flame wars with each other on shitty message boards populated by literally thousands of retards exactly like them before beating off to a picture of Hermione and passing out in a puddle of slobber .

I hate fantasy nerds so very , very much . I can think of many different groups of people I hate because of their poor decision-making : die-job blondes , Canadians , etc . Fantasy nerds , however , are the only people who seem to be proud of the fact that they are social mongoloids , a cancer for which there is no chemotherapy save death . They walk around with their heads held high , adorning their bumpers with stickers that say , 'Proud Nerd' , or 'Geek Chic' , or 'I Love Frodo In Ways That No Man Should Love A Hobbit' . They are completely ignorant of what exists outside their little shitty microcosm .

In the real world , wearing glasses is enough to infuriate regular people . And you motherfuckers think you can go balls out and wear t-shirts , put up posters and flags , or worse , publish books ? Fuck you ! Get off of my planet , you dice-rolling , Silmarillion-humping , mouth-breathing , glasses-wearing , braces-having , ac- , bac- , and sacne-wielding douchebags .

What needs to be done to correct this problem ? Give the baby it's bottle ; if they want their own fucking world we'll give it to them . How can this be done ? It's an easy , two step process .

STEP 1 : LET ALL NERDS BE EXCOMMUNICATED ! First things first , we find out who'd normal and who's a nerd . This can be discovered through Spence Fiffield's patented Nerd Test . Simply look the subject in the eye and ask them to name five books they've read in the past year . If they say none , shoot them . I have no tolerance for illiterates . If they name any of the banned books , let that one be ostracized for their beliefs !
note : the following books and their respective series are to be blacklisted alongside their readers .
The Lord Of The Rings
The Chronicles of Narnia
The Dark Tower
Forgotten Realms
Anything that involves a 'Legend' , or something that belongs to a Dragon .

Also , if the , ahem , 'person' in question answers with a manga or comic book of any kind , they are to be shot on sight alongside the illiterate . Some comics are kick-ass , and even some manga , but dude , they are not books .

STEP 2: 'GIVE IN' TO THEIR DEMANDS ! Somewhere along the line , the nerds will converge and take a stab at sovereignty . We must accomodate them to the farthest extreme we can afford . They ask for a city , we'll give 'em a concentration camp ... I mean , summer camp . They ask for a commune , we'll give 'em a reservation . What we really want is for them to actually ask for something huge , like a state or country . That's when we hit them with the sneak attack . Oh , you want a country ? How about a goddamn planet ?

They should be overjoyed , and will probably celebrate with a good game of Magic : The Gathering . Yeah , go celebrate you fucking losers , while we build a rocket that'll launch you to your new home-world : The fucking sun . We're giving you the best celestial body of them all . The Sun is acting King of Planets until we Earthlings can invent a gun big enough to point at actual planets .

Imagine a world without fantasy nerds . I imagine I'd sleep a lot better , without being kept awake by my mind , ever searching for ways to rid the world of nerds .


Anonymous said...

Wow I bet there isn't an emotional trauma making you take out your frustration on other people. Seriously kid, look at the bigger picture. you talk about "building rockets" to shoot people at the sun when the people who design these rockets and the very computer you posted this on were nerds. Face it. Most of your undeserved luxuries are there because of these "nerds" that you seem to hate for some strange reason.

Darsh said...

You're absolutely right, Anonymous. I should stop venting my hate towards nerds and the socially inept, and instead aim my hate cannon at people whom I feel truly deserve it: those whose lobes cannot fathom satire, parody, or sarcasm. Do you happen to know where I could find any people like that? Because if you did, that would be great!

Thanks in advance,

P.S. I would ask you to forgive the lateness of my reply, but since you waited six years to reply to my post, you probably won't get around to it anytime soon.

P.P.S. Read my newer posts.