Saturday, June 8, 2013

quickie: perchance some poetry before a fortnight

 This is what my poetry feels like: jizzing inspiration through a pen.

I love poetry. Everyone who knows me personally knows this, and if you didn't, then I must really fucking hate you. Whenever I meet someone worthy of my social graces, I always inform them of my love of free-verse, slam-esque poetry. There is something so liberating about stringing semi-coherent thoughts together without punctuation or rhyme and calling it art. It's defiant.

Poetry will save the world.

In an effort to show you what I love about... poetry, I have provided for your scrutiny below a wondrous work of poetic beauty. Please, comment and tell me what you really think! MEAN COMMENTS WILL BE DELETED.


A dark cloud inside
my soul

My heart
is menstruating

Black, red
The demon in my head

No time
to rhyme
free form
the new norm

So many fools will never understand
That I am deeper than they
Even though
they are the ones with 'jobs'

My job is to make you think
My words are a candle in the wind
My words

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