Friday, November 2, 2012

I Hate Art Students

Art students are the most self-centered, ignorant people on the planet. They weep endlessly about how nobody respects the arts anymore, and how no one sees the world the way they do. I won't even begin to explain how stupid a complaint that last one is. "No one truly understands my vision, no one sees how beautiful I am". That's because you have no vision, and you are not beautiful. And as for "nobody respecting the arts"? Seeing as this list of art scholarships has thirty entries, most of which include full rides to their particular school, it seems like at least a few people respect the arts. Although, to be fair, nobody should respect the arts. Then again, nobody should listen to Skrillex, but that skinny dong smoker scored a Grammy pretty recently, so there you go.

Recently, a woman (typical) I went to high school with posted on her FaceBook page some arrogant nonsense resembling: "Art students put in the most effort out of any college major and get the least amount of job opportunities." I then punched my computer in the face for daring to show me something so vain-gloriously retarded. What an enormous insult to the many med students who spend about a hundred and sixty large learning how to save lives on a daily basis. What an insult to everyone who went to college. That's like saying "nobody works as hard as me for as little money as I do". Bitch, there will fucking always be somebody worse off than you. Imagine what your life would be like if you had AIDS, or leukemia, or were a rape victim. Then again, one should expect such a selfish, narrow-minded statement from someone stupid enough to voluntarily attend an art school.

Now you don't have to be smart to wear glasses or go to college!

You see, art schools don't actually educate anyone. You pay what could roughly be called average tuition depending on your school of choice and get four years to sit around and do nothing. Seriously, art students just do art for four years. One might argue that studying Art History or at least something close to Humanities would qualify as both artistic and educational, except that Humanities is an English course, and Art History is taught at almost every university nowadays, so the actual point of going to a specific school to learn about it is nil.

The worst offenders are photographers. Photographers are always stomping around with a digital camera in their hands, waxing idiotic about how cameras reveal "the inner soul duh huh huh". Photography is not only not an art, it is not a skill. You point the camera and take a picture. Developing film is a skill, albeit one so simple I mastered it my sophomore year of high school, but seeing as most photography students I know use digital cameras anyway, the point is moot.

Art. Instagram

Even if you could prove that Art Education is actually an education, how do you grade art? Considering every art student I've ever met is always talking about how unique their vision is, how does one get a grade for their particular art? You grade mathematics by comparing the student's answers to the correct one. You grade an English student on how well an essay argues its point. How the fuck do you grade this?


I might be able to see how an institute of art education could help foster the talents of somebody who shows promise, except most art schools nowadays will let just anyone attend. Next time you see an art student walking around with that stupid little charcoal set they got from Michaels or A.C. Moore, ask to see their sketchbook. Failing that, ask if they have a DeviantArt account (hint: they all do). Then, upon seeing how shitty their drawings are, I want you to ignore the voice telling you to lie and say they are good, because lying helps no one. Rather, I want you to listen to the voice that says fuck everyone everywhere, and tell that girl (hint: all art students are women) she'd better get used to flatbacking for her rent money, 'cause that shit isn't gonna pay rent. Ever.

UPDATE: I guess art students hate me as much as I hate them. Check out the lawsuit this entry earned me.

SECOND UPDATE: The hate train keeps a-rollin'. More art students complaining, as usual. 


Anonymous said...

Wow, what an ignorant idiotic thing to have to read.

Garry Shape said...

Art students and many people in design/fashion/decorating fields are some of the dumbest people I've ever had the misfortune of encountering.
They don't understand anything outside of their narrow-minded world of "art" and act like anything they can't see outside of their tunnel vision doesn't exist. They selectively (with their open-minds) surround themselves with identical people who think, talk and act the same way, and always have junky decor throughout their apartments/homes.
They're always broke and complaining about how they can't make money doing "art" or "design" or "decorating". Well no shit, because there's no demand for that. Hang your hipster persona up and go do something productive and stop talking like a moron whenever you converse with people.

Anonymous said...

I agree. Art students don't work hard at all. Most art students get high and and watch anime, and the day before their "assignment" is due they decide to pick up a brush or pencil. Art students don't work as hard at all in comparison to engineer majors or mathematicians. I have met some great artists but 90% of art students should have never been accepted to art school. The worst part is that we eventually have to pay for the 90% of art students who fail with taxes

Anonymous said...

art students can be infinitely annoying but they do work hard and are expected to do a lot more than just walk around with a camera and take photos or color for 30 mins. its like adding full time art making to a regular course load.

before you talk shit about something you should probably actually try knowing something about it. anyone can either work hard at their degree and take it seriously or scrape by with cs. you guys sound like idiots. not all medical students are saints, not all art students are stoned.

but seriously art students are fucking annoying, mostly because the practices invites you to become self absorbed and elitist

Newt said...

I'm a biochemistry major hoping to make 50 grand a year, and I approve this message.

The funny thing is, I'm also a decent artist, and I took plenty of art electives like photography. I just know better than to expect people to pay me to do it for a living. Or to compete with millions of unskilled digital artists using the same point/shoot SLR as I would be to take the same uninspired, done a million times wedding and baby photos the masses are willing to pay, albeit barely, to have taken.

Anonymous said...

I'm an art student, hoping to become an art teacher once I've finished my degree - so hopefully I wont be one of the '90% of art students' that you have to pay for.
I'm not a hipster, I don't get high, I don't watch anime and try my best to succeed in a subject which I truly enjoy! If we were all the same, all studying academic subjects then the world would be really boring... I'm not saying academia is boring, I respect it as much as my own field! I'm saying everyone would be the same, which would be hideous!
Some of us just do art because we have a passion for it... I wanted to teach art since I was a kid, where's the harm in pursuing my dream job? A job which, hopefully, will mean I'm self- sufficient.
I think the problem here is that you're all generalising, some of us are just doing what we love... I don't think you can say 'all art students are the same' until you've met all the art students!

Oh and, my sister is a Neuroscientist, we respect each other's fields and have wonderful, interesting conversations... I put that down to our differences!... it also suggests that I can see out of my 'narrow- minded world of art'. ... I think you're all encased in a 'narrow minded world of academia', you'd have so much more fun if you were like me and my sister!

Anonymous said...

I'm an art student, hoping to become an art teacher once I've finished my degree - so hopefully I wont be one of the '90% of art students' that you have to pay for.
I'm not a hipster, I don't get high, I don't watch anime and try my best to succeed in a subject which I truly enjoy! If we were all the same, all studying academic subjects then the world would be really boring... I'm not saying academia is boring, I respect it as much as my own field! I'm saying everyone would be the same, which would be hideous!
Some of us just do art because we have a passion for it... I wanted to teach art since I was a kid, where's the harm in pursuing my dream job? A job which, hopefully, will mean I'm self- sufficient.
I think the problem here is that you're all generalising, some of us are just doing what we love... I don't think you can say 'all art students are the same' until you've met all the art students!

Oh and, my sister is a Neuroscientist, we respect each other's fields and have wonderful, interesting conversations... I put that down to our differences!... it also suggests that I can see out of my 'narrow- minded world of art'. ... I think you're all encased in a 'narrow minded world of academia', you'd have so much more fun if you were like me and my sister!

Art Student said...

The art students that graduate are the ones who creates video games, movies, ads, and almost everything you see around you. Architecture? Yes they are artists too. They probably designed the shelter you're living in. The car you're driving in? designed by an artist. The computer or laptop you're typing with? All designers and artists working with people in different fields like engineering. Without art, you wouldn't be watching youtube or all these TV shows thats on these days. I just read someone is in biochemistry, who the hell produced those illustrations in science books? I know it ain't no damn scientist. We do our part, and you guys do your part. Stop being ignorant and take a look around.

Unknown said...

I'm a former engineering student that changed courses to graphic design(4th year now). And I share your hate on all levels. This loathing started in my first year when all my peers were buying the most expensive mac equipment after my offer to build each of them a pc for half the price and twice the performance. I even showed them how to run a mac operating system on windows, yet this didn't even phase them. It was then that i realized I was among the most dense irrational arrogant beings that I have ever encountered, and dropped all previous aversion I had towards engineers. Don't get me wrong, I have great respect for many of the creative geniuses within film, art and industrial design.It takes true passion, total dedication and tremendous hard work to prosper in any career, let alone to call oneself worthy of it. It is when individuals fully believe themselves to have been naturally gifted by this divine genius that they rape the very essence of the word.

jeff said...

Try working as an artist in all they fields of profession then tell us all we are useless . High and lazy this field is going to continue as working teaching and learning even if you are already dead

Unknown said...

I'm a graphic design major at an art school. I also have a bachelors in biological psychology that I received at 22. I am following what truly makes me happy. I do understand where the annoyances of art students come from since a lot of the people I go to school with are ignorant, arrogant assholes but there are some who truly work hard. I have typically 6-8 projects due every week, 3-4 research papers and midterns, finals and pop quizzes randomly scattered throughout semesters. The kids who typically are bitching at my school are the ones who expect everything to be handed to them and expect everything to be easy just because it's art school. I do admit it's not super difficult but the amount of time put into a project is crazy. I typically get 3 maybe 4 hours of sleep a night because of being up late working on my projects. One thing I also noticed was how they graded art. They grade on technicality, the ability to follow the project specifications, the difficulty level we exhibit, the natural ability we show and how professional it looks. I just wanted to send something to give an insight into my life as an art student who also holds a degree in the sciences as well :)

Anonymous said...

hey art hater, go fuck yourself

Anonymous said...

I hate you and your thoughts as you say you want to be so great that everyone hates you. You can only achieve hatred and nothing.

Anonymous said...

I can't respect art students. Particularly the fact that they think they are such creative individuals.
They are far from it. Working without constraints or pressures (like an engineer or a scientist would) is easy. Its easy to create something random and call it creative. But real creative individuals are the ones that innovate a solution where it is very difficult to. Think of the creativity it took Newton to imagine gravity! In comparison, some art student somewhere is probably sticking a painted saucepan in flowerbed thinking "Wow, I am a rare and gifted creative individual".

That is the difference between valued, skilled, and respected creativity, and the self proclaimed creative gift art students claim to possess.

Anonymous said...

I can't respect art students. Particularly the fact that they think they are such creative individuals.
They are far from it. Working without constraints or pressures (like an engineer or a scientist would) is easy. Its easy to create something random and call it creative. But real creative individuals are the ones that innovate a solution where it is very difficult to. Think of the creativity it took Newton to imagine gravity! In comparison, some art student somewhere is probably sticking a painted saucepan in flowerbed thinking "Wow, I am a rare and gifted creative individual".

That is the difference between valued, skilled, and respected creativity, and the self proclaimed creative gift art students claim to possess.

Erin said...

I'm an art student and this literally made me laugh my ass off because it was soooo funny. I'm not at all offended because it was extremely funny, and I'm not being sarcastic because some of what you said was true.

Thumbs up, love this.


Anonymous said...

Hopefully, this was intended as humor. If not, I will take it as ignorance.
Thank you

Anonymous said...

So very right, thank you so much!

Unknown said...

Wow, what a cunt.

Anonymous said...

Hahaha! this is very very accurate!

If this wasn't so accurate, nobody would be getting so butthurt about it.

I also hate the way they consistently view themselves as victims i.e. when they can no longer afford rent, rather than actually getting a normal stable job or even work 2 jobs, they will make the rise in rent out to be a government attack on 'creatives'.
Their arrogance is unbearable to the point that the idea that the government is trying to drive them (specifically) out is one I would actually favour!

I thought I should add that I studied Music (one of the arts) at University and have witnessed many self-centered (and damn right stupid) individuals myself. The difference with me is that I don't regard my 'creative' work to be special or 'meaningful', but rather just do it for a bit of enjoyment and am more interested in how others perceive it, than what inspired me to make it in the first place.

Anyway, great article lol. Helped restore some sanity. :D

Anonymous said...

like, your ass literally came off? smh dumb art students

Anonymous said...

Yeah like every artist is like that, thats really narrowminded. Did you meet every art student on the planet? No you didn't, so it's impossible to even know that.

Anonymous said...

What's a Corinthian Pillar? Where is the capital located in Greek temples? Who made the Venus of Milo? I know, you ptobably don't. These are the 'dumb ass' things i learn in art school.

StrangeCalibur said...

Most of the things you use in your daily life went through an artist, games, movies, tv shows, products, even your car. I will agree that there are not that many jobs for someone who goes though the arts, but then again... there are not really any jobs anymore lol. In all seriousness though, yes, some of them are mental and self centered, but its the same in every profession.

Unknown said...

Hey, an art student here. While I agree that so many other students are ignorant, arrogant, sensitive, spoiled, and annoying in those regards, the majority of us who want to stay in school do work hard. I don't understand why those who pursue academic careers find art "easy and cheap." I can tell you for certain that art doesn't just come out of nowhere, every artwork comes from our own visions and introspectives of the world. Also, art materials are butt fucking expensive, and that "ugly blue" painting probably took a lot of oil paint to make. We have 6 full on projects due every week, and at least one research essay due. Also, not a lot of artists use DeviantArt or other weird social networking sites unless some are from Entertainment Design or Animation. You can call us pretentious or weird or whatever but we see the world differently than you do. That's why we study different things. And not every art school "accepts" anyone... My school only accepts 30% of applicants and that ain't even much! Also the ones who cheated their way in fail and get booted out. Not all of us do weird ass shit so don't judge every artist with your half baked opinions. Also did I mention that I hate th asshole artists and film students that make the rest of us look bad?

Anonymous said...

You have some serious issues my friend, why are you hating on people who have nothing to do with you? go live your own life and leave people alone who are pursuing the career they want... relax. you sound like you have a stick up your ass.

Unknown said...

I LOVE this. I was actually naive enough to think I wanted to be an artist, got a scholarship to art school, then left after 2 semesters trying not to puke on my way out from the pretentiousness and idiocracy. A teacher told us on the first day that if you ever plan to make good money in life, then leave art school. So I did. Got an engineering degree and now I make 80k a year and still get to do art as a personal hobby for myself. I hate artists.

Unknown said...

What drove me the craziest in art school was when I would spend 30+ hours on a painting and the prof would look at it for 2 seconds and slap a B on it, then some neo-hippy sinead oconnor wannabe took a selfie naked laying on an American flag with fried chicken all over the place to represent "greedy America", blows it up on a big canvas and gets an A and her own gallery showing. Stupid.

Unknown said...

What drove me the craziest in art school was when I would spend 30+ hours on a painting and the prof would look at it for 2 seconds and slap a B on it, then some neo-hippy sinead oconnor wannabe took a selfie naked laying on an American flag with fried chicken all over the place to represent "greedy America", blows it up on a big canvas and gets an A and her own gallery showing. Stupid.

Anonymous said...

Ah yes, you would probably be the kind to hate on Da Vinci. Hate to break it to you, but a hell of a lot of stuff in this world was created by artists. Other people have listed these things in the comments. Sure, it seems like a useless degree and my art teacher said that you need to work hard to earn your keep, but if someone enjoys what they do for a living it's not useless. It's not your life, chill dude.

Anonymous said...

And Taylor Clark, have you ever considered maybe you were just a bad artist? A lot of people here seem to have a stick up their ass over it.

Anonymous said...

The post is mislabeled. I think it's really more of a jab at ignorance, laziness, pride/arrogance and vanity. Art practitioners are an easy target because of their visibility but there are plenty of ignorant, prideful, lazy, vain jerks in every 'respectable' field you can list. Every field has a best of the lot and worst, no doubt.

On the lighter side, I actually like the Shawn McNulty piece (i.e. the guy threatening to sue you). Yeah, it kind of a derivative work but I'd still easily find a place for it in my house.

Ssp said...

Learn to respect other people's interests, Art is something people choose to do with their lives and yes they work hard and just because you're not into it doesn't mean you have to glorify your ego with it. I know a lot of independent start up shops that are very well off for what they produce and it shows in their work it's done right, how do you think businesses get their logos, product designs, websites, book covers, I could go on honestly but back to the point, presentation is everything now a days. If you weren't such a narrow minded prick maybe you would see that. If they expose their art they created they got a lot of guts not many have and you can fucking bet on it they're proud of it, I don't know what shitty art student or group crawled up your ass and died but not every art student is as cocky as you portray them to be! And if you think an art student isn't as "good" as your close minded brain sees them to be keep in mind that they are STUDENTS they are learning, struggling, growing, just like any other student. You don't expect a student to get 100% on every test so don't expect an art student to please a crowd every time.

Ssp said...

Learn to respect other people's interests, Art is something people choose to do with their lives and yes they work hard and just because you're not into it doesn't mean you have to glorify your ego with it. I know a lot of independent start up shops that are very well off for what they produce and it shows in their work it's done right, how do you think businesses get their logos, product designs, websites, book covers, I could go on honestly but back to the point, presentation is everything now a days. If you weren't such a narrow minded prick maybe you would see that. If they expose their art they created they got a lot of guts not many have and you can fucking bet on it they're proud of it, I don't know what shitty art student or group crawled up your ass and died but not every art student is as cocky as you portray them to be! And if you think an art student isn't as "good" as your close minded brain sees them to be keep in mind that they are STUDENTS they are learning, struggling, growing, just like any other student. You don't expect a student to get 100% on every test so don't expect an art student to please a crowd every time.

Anonymous said...

Well I read the first two paragraphs and already I know that the writer of this article is either a troll or an absolute douchebag. Frequent use of "retarded" as a slir, Disrespect twards women, the writer is the exact kind of person you want to stay 5000 feet away from. I can picture the fedora.

I'm not an art student myself, however I do deal with the art classes frequently. Most of the students I encounter are shy, nervous, and critical of their own works. From what I'm reading it sounds like the writer walked into an art class talking like he does in this article, insulting students, using outdated and socially unacceptable slurs that you only hear coming out of 12 year olds, and may have received some backlash. Rightfully so. Or worse... he got "friend zoned" by an art student lol.

Anyway, it's been a while since I've cringed this hard. Good job.

Anonymous said...

"Working without constraints or pressure"

Are you shitting me? I've had clients ask for excessivly detailed digital vector works for use on billboards and they wanted it in 5 days, complained about the price, made me essentially redo the work about 3 times. Total work hours exceeded well over 30 hours for that one piece. Then when I told them the end price they proceed to threat in to sue me.

Anonymous said...

I'm not an art student, but I do create my own art as a hobby and respect other people's art. Some of your statements hold some truth; many art students have a bad habit of expecting success and blaming their failure on people not understanding them, and it is difficult to grade art since everyone's styles and messages are different (not to mention how do you grade different genres and mediums in comparison to one another?). But I must disagree with your idea of what art is. At its most basic form, art is the creative expression of ideas. This means that drawings, paintings, cartoons, comics, sculptures, animations, literature, film, video games, architecture, advertisements, music, dance, acting, and yes, photography, are all art. Also, art is not "doing nothing". Art is work, albeit a different kind of work than less creative trades. No matter how good you get at creating art, it's still hard, and it still takes time, effort, and passion. I do agree that art students shouldn't complain about not being understood, since art is such a personal and intimate process that no artist should be surprised that they are the only ones who understand their work fully. Yet, art still deserves respect. No matter how much one may behave as if art has no practical purpose or doesn't deserve respect, humans have been creating art for thousands of years, and creative expression and communication are integral to the human experience. Sure artists and art students can be annoying, but so can anyone who practices any trade. Please know that art is still an important part of human society and expression, and that your depiction of art is deeply misguided.

Also, photography is both art and a skill. Not everyone can take a good picture, and people who make creative photography are attempting to communicate a message or express and idea through the means of particular imagery. Sounds like art to me.

Anonymous said...

Arrogant self centered people are necessary. It's always been like that and it will always's necessary for humanity's evolution and for the progresw of the world. So, art students, art people. And their ego are necessary for progress because of their creativity and because only people who dare, will make thw world keep going. And artists have it deep in their genes. And who told that being self centered was wrong? Everybody came in this world to please him/herself first. Others come after. This is not selfishness, this is self love.

Anonymous said...

You say they want people to see the world as they do. It's bequse they don't see the world the way you do that you got mad. You're like them. No single difference. If someday no body respects blogging, i'm sure you'll be upset and will take it personally. And you're so self centered too, that you want everybody to share your exact vision of the world by saying:"nobody should listen to skrillex". You don't even leave some space for people's personal tastes, for differences between cultures, communities. You say "nobody" just because you hate Skrillex personally and you want to make the whole world hate him like you do. I think you're an art student yourself. Lol

Anonymous said...

I feel the exact same way about math and math majors. In complete honesty, math majors or math wizards are some of the literally dumbest people I've ever met in my life. And I dated a girl with a degree in mathematics to teach it, and she was dumb as a brick.

I honestly see art has more value to the world than math, but like butthurt artists, butthurt math lovers come raging in screaming, because the idea their one good skill makes them superior is the cornerstone of their existence and self worth.

Math is a tool, not a god among humanity's endeavours. Not everyone needs math like not everyone needs art. And if you do a profession that needs either, there are artists/mathematicians to do the "lifting" you don't need to do, or never will do. I worked with veterinarians, and the most complicated math I ever saw was pulling out a TI and doing basic 12th grade mathematics. Maybe once a week.

Anonymous said...

This is a troll post, doi.
As a high school student readying to be a concept artist, while a good amount of artists are arrogant as you said, the ones I've interviewed have been really respectful and good people. Unless you blindly believe that all artists are a-holes, including movie directors, writers, etc.

Anonymous said...

I bet you consider yourself a dank memer huh jerk

Anonymous said...

I'm an art student, I can't stand other art students.

The have special snowflake syndrome like no other .

Unknown said...

As a recovered student formerly in visual communications, this article is 100% accurate regarding art students. I just thank God everyday I woke up one day, had a reality check about my future and got into a science related major which I'm about to graduate from with an award no less. I was so bored with "art" courses at my old community college because they were pathetically easy, you just showed up and worked on a "project" essentially and while some of the students are indeed actually good artists, there were many of them who were stereotypically liberal hipsters that would making anyone voting democrat or most anyone outside the "art circle" sob with tears of frustration as to just how stupid these types of people could be, who smoked weed and did other drugs on the side , and who clearly did not have their shit together. Art students are generally pretty terrible period, and no I'm not ignorant saying this because I was formerly once an art student myself. It's not much of a wonder to me why many of them can't find a job with their "field of study" because it's far from a valuable "field of study". Maybe one day some of them will recover from their piss poor choices in life like I personally did, but I sadly doubt it.

Unknown said...

You're still lying to yourself kid. Hopefully you'll wake up one day like I did.

Unknown said...

Yes... good job proving his point dipshit.

Anonymous said...

The problem is you have to differentiate between bullshit art schools that teach you intellectual crap, where you draw a line and it has some post modern interpretation vs a real art school such as arts center in cali that teaches you actually terribly difficult skills to master such as perspective, composition, value, storytelling, lighting, materials, anatomy, color theory, etc etc. Real artists should know how to draw, can draw anything in 3d space, know how light works, what happens to light when it hits an object, scientific things like how atmosphere effects an environment etc etc. And after learning all that, having strong narrative, storytelling capabilities, doing something original etc. The problem is we have not used language to differentiate this post modern artists who don't know how to draw or know nothing about the above mentioned, vs real artists who need to know multiple dimensions of life in addition to incredible technical skills in order to create amazing work. Check out Ingres - Napoleon on the throne. The amount of technical knowledge, in addition to knowledge of other art works, mythology, etc to paint that. TLDR: Real artists can draw anything in 3d space. Those post modern "artists" only learned some simple color theory and therefore are stunted "artists", the equivalent to comparing a first graders writing skills to Shakespeare.

Anonymous said...

I can agree with you. I went to college and saw these kinds of people that you are describing. I also happen to an artist, ironically, and a female. I am none of the things you have described but I have seen it and agree, it is annoying. I especially hate how people that refuse to learn proper anatomy, etc, and draw like absolute crap, gain heaps of praise from idiots and swagger about like they are gods.

Mrunmayee said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Mrunmayee said...

I was genuinely shocked after inflicting all this hate upon arts students because it's just my second year of Junior college pursuing Arts. Most of us are not arrogant and we respect and we are amazed by other professions, other streams, because we know it is not easy, but it was your choice to opt for it, and it is our choice to opt for Art, because it is our passion. I am sure people out there opt for their respective field because they feel passionate about it. I think we should stop judging and discuss the unique struggles that we go through,field wise. No field is inferior and no one can disagree, Art field has it rough, respect wise. Just let people do and learn what they want to. I am sure you just came across, what, two art students and you generalize us as a whole? Doesn't ever work, my friend. I have met all kinds of Science students, and even they are really judgemental and consider other professions inferior. Some science or commerce students respect that other professions do co-exist and not everyone wants to be a man or a woman of Science. Thanks for coming to my TED talk.

Unknown said...

Look at this stupid ignorant fool who thinks that art is useless. Look around you you stupid fuckhead and realize that nearly EVERY object has been designed by someone with artistical values. There may be not so many art professions but do YOU know why? IT'S BECAUSE IT'S A FUCKING ELITE JOB THAT ONLY THE BEST CAN ACHIEVE. Art is not about logic like fucking math or engineering, art is about PURE TALENT and IMAGINATION. so YES art jobs are harder to achieve because it demands TALENT over logic and CREATIVITY over intelligence.

Anonymous said...

Architectural Engineers don't go to art school, dumb ass.

Anonymous said...

Absolutely. Coming up with unorthodox solutions using spatial reasoning is something artists can't do